Add Bot Support Server



Loaded with very powerful moderation features, Tungsten is the only bot you'd ever need for your server. You can set welcome and leave channels for your server, set the starboard channel, ban/kick users, put a slowmode, warn someone and a lot other things with RTN.

Music Commnds

u have 15+ Commnd in music like ,play,skip,np,clear,Volume etc.

Logging System

RTN of logging systems, ranging from Moderator log, Member log and nickname log to Role log, Message edit log and Message delete log. You can setup the system messages for future upadtes and bug fixes of RTN.

Leveling System

RTN leveling system for the chat and voice channels as well. The winner with the most points at the end of the week gets The Crown role!

Image Commnds

we have 20 + commnd for image like• jail,love,gay , meeting .etc

Fun Commands

RTN loaded with tons of fun commands to play around with and increase the engagement in your server! Some commands like meme,pat,cry,joke,advice,etc.


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"emojiadd , tts , add-these , announce , bug , ban , purge , hackban , kick , lock , mute , removerole , resetwarns , setnick , setmodlog , slowmode , unlock , unmute , voicekick , warn , warnings , setwelcome"

"loop , clear , disable-loop , join , leave , nowplaying , play , playlist , pause , queue , resume , shuffle , skip , stop , volume"

"advice , ascii , cat , c , creatememe , cry , dog , fact , hack , hug , joke , kiss , kpop , meme , memetemp , punch , idp , avatar"

"help , inv , invite , jumbo , badges , botinfo , bots , channels , cahnnelinfo , embedgen , emojiinfo , imdb , invites , members , ping , pokemon , roleinfo , serverinfo , servericon , snipe , uptime , userinfo"

"balance , daily , fish , addmoney , beg , buy , deposit , leaderboard , removemoney , roulette , sell , setbackground , setinfo , slots , shop , coins-system , withdraw , work"

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